
Showing posts from 2014

#378 Plum Good

#377 "In Brightest Day..."

#376 Vert Sur Rouge

Granny Smith Slice #3

#375 Slice of Morning #1

#374 "Chomp Chomp!"

#373 Sour Slice #1

#372 Fuji Slice #2

#371 Braeburn Peel #6

#370 Fuji Slice #1

#369 Granny Smith Slice #3

#368 Granny Smith Slice #2

#367 Granny Smith Slice #1

#366 Luminous

#365 Wet T-Shirt

#364 Blue Shirt on The Beach

"My Favorite Fleece" May Issue of The Artist's Magazine

#363 Just A Slice

#362 "The Evil I"

#361 "Jacks"

#360 "Braeburn Peel #5

#359 Braeburn Peel #4

Spring Cleaning #2 "Something's Missing"

#358 Braeburn Peel #3

Spring Cleaning #1 "A King, A President, An Artist"

#357 Queen of The Kiwi

#356 Braeburn Peel #2

#355 Braeburn Peel #1

#354 A Kings Card Trick

#353 "Just SUPR"

#352 $.80 Lemon

#351 Turp

Tasty Good #11 "Dioxazine Oranges"

#349 Stick and Stones

#348 Cherries Jubilee Rehash

347 iPhone Reflecting

#346 Holiday Reflections